- Includes temperature sensor with 1 metre of cable
- Digital software control with slow start
- Dynamic Progressive battery charging
- Can be used in parallel ( recommended ) or stand-alone regulator
- Programmable for different battery types
- Single unit fits 99% of alternators and all battery types
- Charges to 4 step progressive constant current charging curves
- Self-diagnosing fault system
- Totally isolates the advanced regulator in fault condition
- Information 8 LED display
- Battery Temperature sensing
- High battery temp trip
- High battery voltage trip
- High alternator voltage trip
- De-sulphating ability on open lead acid batteries
- In event of failure auto return to standard alternator regulator
- Can be used with or without the temperature sensor
- Monitors for excessive neg voltage drop and trips
- Protects batteries if temperature sensor open circuited
- Protects batteries if split charge relay/diode fails open
- Protects batteries if advanced reg fails closed
- Protects batteries if battery sense wire falls off Please note that advanced regs are not suitable for modern vehicles/boats with integrated engine management systems as they increase the alternators voltage and this can be interpreted by the management system as a fault on the alternator. Please use an alternator to battery charger or battery to battery charger for these applications.